Minggu, 19 Maret 2017

Tugas bahasa inggris bisnis 2 #2

Tugas kelompok
- Aprilia Wahyuni
- Dani Prayogo
- Eva Ayudhia
- Nina Tri Astuti
- Syamsu Nahar

At School
Nina : Hi April, what are you doing there?
April : I do the homework, and it must finish now.
Nina : What? But our tacher didn’t get us a homework, did he?
Eva : No, he didn’t. He just gives us an exercise.
Dani : Oh I see. Look! This is an easy question, isn’t it?
Syamsu : Yes, it is. I can answer it. The answer is 4, isn’t it?
Nina : Yes, it is. You’re a smart boy Syamsu.
April : Eva, you know the novel “TEMAN TAPI MENIKAH”, don’t you?
Eva : Yes, I do. I have just finished reading that novel.
April : Can I borrow that novel?
Eva : Of course, but you should keep the book, shouldn’t you ?
April : Yes, I should. Thank you eva
Eva : You’re welcome

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