Senin, 24 Maret 2014


Nama  : Aprilia Wahyuni
Npm    : 11213216
Tulisan : Bahasa Inggris 2
Prince    : Hi, princess. what are you doing ?
Princess : Hi, prince. I'm just listening music.
Prince    : Do you have events tomorrow ?
Princess : No, just stay at home. I wanna go but i'm confused where I go
Prince    : Would you like to go with me ?
Princess : Hmm, ok, where we go ?
Prince    : Beach or Mall ?
Princess : BEACH!!! I really miss view beach. Beach what would we visit ?
Prince    : Sawarna beach! it has beautiful scene and have clear water yet damaged roads to get there.
Princess : Wow, it's amazing. No, problem. So, when we go there ?
Prince    : Tomorrow morning.
Princess : ok, see you. I can't wait for tomorrow.
Prince    : yeah me too. Will be a fun trip if we go together.
Princess : of course, bye prince !
Prince    : Bye

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