Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Tugas2_softskill_bahasa inggris2

Nama : Aprilia Wahyuni
Kelas : 1EA34
NPM : 11213216
1. “ I want a sandwich”, Jeniffer said.
- Jeniffer said that she wanted a sandwich.

2. “ I have already written that letter”, my friend said.
- My friend said that he had already written that letter.

3. Charles said to me, “ I have to leave the office before 3 a.m.
- Charles said to me that he had to leave the office before 3 a.m.

4. “ I am starting the day after tomorrow, mother”, he said.
- He said to his mother that he was starting the days after tomorrow.

5. Maria says, “ I don’t like a chocolate”.
- Maria says that she doesn’t like a chocolate.

6. “ I am enjoying my new job”, Sarah said.
- Sarah said that she was enjoying her new job.

7. Mark said, “ I buy this book at that market”
- Mark said that he bought that book at that market.

8. Martin said, “ I will going to Bandung tomorrow”.
- Martin said that he would going to Bandung the next day.

9. My friend told me, “ I am planning to leave right away”.
- My friend told me that she was planning to leave right away.

10. “ Jack and Bill are going to get married”, she said
- She said that Jack and Bill were going to get married.

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